Zhanna Golik

General Director of International Financial Club “BANKIR”

Oleg Kapralov

Head of the International
International Financial Club “BANKIR”

Ella Repina

Head of the subcommittee on the functioning of non-banking financial institutions and insurance activities of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Vasyl Horbal

Member of the Council of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine

Konstantin Koshelenko

Deputy Minister for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization

Bourdain Victoria

Coordinator of the Electronic Payments Committee at the European Business Association

Rostislav Nakonechnyi

Deputy Chairman of the Board of IBOX Bank

Mykhailo Vlasenko

Chairman of the Board

Olena Dmitrieva

First Deputy
Heads of the Board

Vitaly Romanchukevich

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Evroprombank, First Vice-President of the Association of Ukrainian Banks

Oleksandr Zaletov

Head of financial company management. Department of supervision of the market of non-banking financial services of the NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE

Tamara Savoshchenko

Deputy Chairman of the Board of “UKRGASBANK”

Halyna Hailo

Vice-president of the Association of Ukrainian Banks – president of the Ukrainian Association of Payment Systems

Maria Kolganova

Executive Director of the Independent Banks Association of Ukraine (NABU)

Sergey Mamedov

Chairman of the Board

Julia Metzger

Member of the Supervisory Board (state representative from the President of Ukraine) “PRIVATBANK”

Ilya Klymovych

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Natalia Kosenko

Deputy Chairman of the Board of FUIB

Evgeny Kazakov

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Iryna Buts

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of “Pivdenny” bank

Tatyana Putintseva

Chairman of the Board of “COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL BANK”

Liliya Lazepko

Member of the Management Board of “OTP BANK”

Vitaly Zinnikov

Chairman of the Board

Olena Korobkova

Chairman of the NABU Tsuntsil

Iryna Dvorzhanska

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Lesya Shcherbakov

Chairman of the Board

Rumiya Agha Jafar Mamedova

Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “Khalg” Bank

Маргарита Ладиженська

Радник Голови Правління “КРИСТАЛБАНК”

Valery Zadorozhny

Director of the Department of Information Technologies – member of the Board

Tatyana Ostrikova

(independent member) – Member of the Supervisory Board of “ALTBANK”

Rostislav Duke

Chairman of the Board

Zaryana Kivak

Deputy Chairman of the Board of IBOX Bank

Andriy Grigel

Chairman of the Board

Oksana Kotlyarevska

Chairman of the Board

Oleg Loktionov

Chairman of the Board “Ukrainian Bank for Reconstruction and Development”

Nadiya Vorobyova 

Chairman of the Board

Olga Lytvynenko

Member of the board of JSC “AGROPROSPERIS BANK”

Oleksiy Sirakov

CISO, Director of the Information Security and Business Continuity Management Department of JSC “Pravex Bank”

Mikhail Dovbenko

Chairman of the board

Natalia Turcan Munteanu

Deputy director of the payment systems department at National Bank of Moldova

Alexander Menkov

Deputy Head of the Board

Tatiana Syrosh

Director of the “Privatbank” department

Andriy Kaminskyi

Company co-founder
AAlpha.consulting – Business consulting

Ihor Tikhonov

Head of Creditvest Bank

Yury Kralov

Chairman of the Board of PJSC “MTB BANK”

Oleksiy Rudnev

Chairman of the board of Acordbank

Shchepansky Serhiy

Chairman of the board of Agroprosperis Bank

Leonid Hrebinskyi

Chairman of the board of Kristalbank

Julia Frolova

Chairman of the Board of BANK ALLIANCE JSC

Peter Melnyk  

Chairman of the Board
“Ibox Bank”

Alyona Shevtsova

Head of the Council
“Ibox Bank”

Larisa Movchan

Chairman of the Board of ASVIO BANK

Lyudmila Voinova

Lyudmila Voinova

Andriy Kravets

Andriy Mykolayovych Kravets — Chairman of the Board of “UKRGAZBANK”

Rodion Morozov

Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “UKRGASBANK”

Lyudmila Lykova

Chairman of the Board of JSC “EPB”


Chairman of the Board of TASKOMBANK JSC


Deputy Chairman of the Board of TASKOMBANK JSC

Vadim Kachurovsky

Chairman of the Board of JSC “UKRBUDINVESTBANK”

Vlad Novak

Marketing Director at Providna Insurance Company

Andriy Artyukhov

Chairman of the Board of the SC VUSO

Halyna Hailo

Vice-president of the Association of Ukrainian Banks – president of the Ukrainian Association of Payment Systems