International Forum: «DIGITAL BANKING. RECIPES GROWTH -2023»

Deployment of digital technologies in wartime conditions becomes a source of efficient, rapid, and profitable changes in the banking and financial market of Ukraine. Banks pay special attention to a secure customer experience, enhancing the quality of service and personalization, as well as expanding their customer base. Banking operations are being streamlined, an intuitive interface is being implemented, and trustworthy relationships are being built between banks and their clients.
The organizer of the International Financial Club “BANKIR” Forum included in the Program the most popular and critical Digital topics for banks and financial companies, such as Cybersecurity, Online payment, digital banking, customer service, Automation, Cloud, Big Data, AI (based on the results of questionnaires, research and analytics).

Date: October 18, 2023 Time: 09.00-18.00 Format: Offline/Online
Address: IQ Business Center, Kyiv, str. Bolsunovska, 13-15 (2nd floor) 

For all questions, please contact the organizing committee:​
+38 (050) 523-56-46
+38 (067) 501-01-66​